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WordPress Vs React: Which is Best Technology?

WordPress Vs React

WordPress Vs React

New platforms and technologies are continuously being developed, and the Web development sector is no exception. In recent times, WordPress and React are perhaps two of the most popular solutions for creating websites. Millions of websites worldwide are powered by the well-known Content Management System (CMS) WordPress, whereas React is a relatively new JavaScript framework that has become more popular in recent years.

There are many debates on whether to choose WordPress or React for Web application (Website) Development. SprintWebs will try to find out some of the key aspects that make either of these a suitable choice for your business through this blog.


WordPress: WordPress is a content management system (CMS) primarily used for building small websites or blogs. However, this has changed in recent times and now WordPress is used for almost all kinds of websites including e-commerce as well. We integrate the WooCommerce plugin to enable the e-commerce feature. It provides an intuitive interface for managing content, allowing users to create and update web pages without needing to write code.

React: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UI) and front-end components. It is often used to develop interactive and dynamic web applications, especially single-page applications (SPAs). In a simple language, it is best suited for complex or heavy websites or web applications. React requires Nodejs for the Backend and MongoDB for the database operation which has its own set of benefits.

Advantages of using WordPress

This goes without saying, WordPress is always one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) on the web. The web development industry is heavily denominated by WordPress. This is no surprise that almost 30% of worldwide websites use WordPress, It is evident that adopting this platform has several benefits. Here are a few of the main benefits of utilizing WordPress:

  1. Simple to use: One of WordPress’ main benefits is how easy it is to use and comprehend, especially for non-technical users. Even non-technical users can alter its design and interference because of its straightforward interface. Therefore, WordPress might be a terrific solution for someone who constantly changes the appearance of their website.
  2. SEO-friendly: Up to this point, WordPress has been one of the most SEO-friendly CMS. The quality of the content determines how well a website performs, and WordPress combines both tools and technology to support regular content updates. WordPress enhances its advantages by providing potent and cost-free SEO plugins. Utilizing the platform’s built-in tools to optimize your website for higher search engine results is simple. To further increase the exposure of your website, a large range of SEO plugins are also readily available. Most importantly the admin may quickly modify the URLs, meta tags, title tags, and other elements to make it more SEO and search engine friendly due to its nature to be readily changed.
  3. Large Community Support: There is a sizable community for WordPress that offers assistance when required. To continuously enhance it, people kindly provide their thoughts. Because of this, the group has developed into a thriving open-source community that has assisted various developers in lowering their support expenses. If you’re looking for help with a technical issue or you need advice on how to improve your website, there is a wealth of information available online.
  4. Cost-effective: WordPress is free to use, however, there may be fees for hosting, domain registration, premium plugins, themes, and design costs. Due to its popularity and ease of use, numerous web development businesses and freelancers offer to deliver their knowledge at a lesser rate than with any other technology. Many developers are skilled with WordPress. SprintWebs WordPress Developers can do the same at a reasonable price. To know the cost you can fill out our form at the very bottom of the website development page.

Disadvantages of Using WordPress

Before opting for it, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider.

  1. Page speed: Most CMS Platforms are slow which is no different for WordPress. There can be many errors in code that cause the slowness of the web app. However, if you are using SprintWebs services then we consider many factors to make the site error-free as well as fast; read more.
  2. Vulnerability: It’s not the earth’s safest platform, which leaves it vulnerable. WordPress is a profitable platform for potential hackers since it is open-source. WordPress regularly releases security updates along with a savvy community that works diligently to address any possible problems to reduce this risk. Therefore, update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins often to the most recent versions. Having the most recent security updates and remedies for any identified vulnerabilities is ensured by doing this.

Advantages of using React.js

React is an open-source JavaScript library that may be used to create user interfaces or UI components. It is often referred to as ReactJS or React.js. It is independently managed by Facebook and a group of programmers and businesses. Mobile or single-page apps may be built using React as a foundation.

  1. Performance: React is renowned for its speed, especially when creating web applications. React may be utilized for the heaviest websites. It works best for dynamic or e-commerce websites that have web application features. Combining with Node.js backend the outcome is a smoother user experience and quicker load times since it effectively updates and renders components.
  2. Page Speed: It works as a single Web application or website so whenever the site gets loaded completely any user can use it dynamically without even the Internet (except any payment procedure). Due to this nature loads very fast, and navigation between multiple pages feels effortless and fastest.
  3. Flexibility: More flexibility and control over front-end development are provided by React. It is appropriate for larger, feature-rich projects since it is frequently used in combination with other tools and frameworks to construct sophisticated and customized web applications. The website can be completely changed by an expert developer or development team.
  4. Vulnerability: Thanks to MongoDB (database) and cloud hosting features it is probably the safest technology for any kind of web application. It is not an easy technology for hackers which is why many big companies adopt this for their online platforms.
  5. Scalability: React.js can be used to create websites of any size and is simple to scale as your other company or website expands. React.js + Node.js can meet your demands whether you’re starting with a basic blog, developing a complicated corporate website, or building any high-end web application.

Disadvantages of using React.js

React also has a few disadvantages which you can read below,

  1. High cost: Because it requires lots of skills to master React the development cost is high. It requires both React.js as the front end and Nodejs as the back end to make it work as a complete website. Cloud hosting can be a bit expensive however SprintWebs team knows a few that are cost-effective without compromising the agility of the site. Fill out your requirements to know the development cost.
  2. Dependency: Even if it’s highly customizable it requires a highly skilled technical person or team to make changes on the site. if you are someone who prefers to change or update the design of the site more frequently then React is not a good option for you. Having said this you can add, update, and delete pages, blogs, products, and images through the admin panel easily. Also, the admin panel is customizable as per your requirements (if you prefer to do so) which is not the case with WordPress or any CMS platforms.
Top companies use WordPress for their site:

1. TIME Magazine 2. Sony Music 3. TechCrunch 4. PlayStation Blog 5. Vogue 6. Yelp Blog 7. Microsoft News 8. Snoop Dogg 9. Mozilla Blog 10. Etsy Journal

Top companies use React for their site:

1. Airbnb 2. Tesla 3. Dropbox 4. BBC 5. Facebook 6. Instagram 7. Netflix 8. PayPal 9. Reddit 10. Uber


Both WordPress and React are great but from a user and business point of view, you need to decide which one would suit you the best. SprintWebs’ Project Managers Daniel and Sam both can guide you in finding the best platform for you. Contact us to learn more factors to determine the best platform for your business.